x=rand(1000,1); f=(x<0.6); p=sum(f); q=sum(1-f); [p, q]; bar([0,1],[p,q]/1000); x=rand(1000,1) create a random matrix of size 1000x1 where 1000 is number of rows and 1 is number of cols. Note : rand(1000,1) generates 1000 numbers in the range of 0 to 1. By removing semicolons you see in command window when running this program. f=(x<0.6) Here is a matrix which store values form x matrix whose value is less then 0.6. p=sum(f) p store sum of all elements of matrix f. q=sum(1-f); q store sum of complement of values of matrix f. [p,q] it generate array of values of p and q. bar([0,1] , [p,q]/1000) it generate this bar graph shown above in this post. Interpolation of Curve >> a=[1 2 3 4 5]; >> b=[1 4 9 16 25]; >> polyfit(a,b,3) ans = -0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 This program is use to find equation from given values of x and y points. H...