The Character set

  The C character set

                                                      A character is a part of a word, sentence or paragraph. By using different character, words, expressions and statements can be created on the basis of the requirement. This creation depends upon the computer on which a program run. 
                                                                 A character is represented by any alphabets in lowercase or uppercase, digits or special characters. Figure presents valid categories of C character set, which are follow: (i) letters, (ii) digits, (iii) white space and (iv) special characters.

     The character list in the given table are represented in the computer by numeric values. Each character is assigned a unique numeric value. The value put together are called character code. which are used in the computer system. The widely used computer codes are ASCII and EBCDIC.

    ASCII Code : ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. is the code are of two types. One uses 7 bit and other uses 8 bit. The 7-bit code represent 128 different characters and the 8-bit code represents 256 characters. For example the character A is represented in 7-bit code as 0000000-11111111. 

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